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Friends of TES Application

Welcome to Temple Emek Shalom.  We are excited that you are interested in associating with a vibrant and caring Jewish community.  Here are the steps to take to become a member of TES.

  1. Fill out this application form
  2. Someone from the Membership Committee will arrange to meet with you.
  3. Submit a Pledge Form and make your first Dues payment
  4. Get involved!

Please call or email Sara at the TES Office with any questions:
541-488-2909 or

Adult Member 1
See disclaimer below.
As a new member, we would like to introduce you and include your Member Directory information in the monthly newsletter that only goes to members.
At TES, we use many forms of communication to get our members' information.  We have recently begun to send mass texts.  Please check the box(es) below to indicate what texts you want to receive.
Communication Preferences 
Please indicate below what your preferred type of communication is by selecting the order of preference.
Home Phone
Mobile Phone
Where are you from?  How did you hear about TES?

Adult Member 2
See disclaimer below.
As a new member, we would like to introduce you and include your Member Directory information in the monthly newsletter that only goes to members.
Where are you from?  How did you hear about TES?

Children Information
Child 1
See disclaimer below.
May we publish the Member Directory information in the monthly newsletter? 
Child 2
See disclaimer below.
May we publish the Member Directory information in the monthly newsletter? 
Child 3
See disclaimer below.
May we publish the Member Directory information in the monthly newsletter? 
Child 4
See disclaimer below.
May we publish the Member Directory information in the monthly newsletter? 

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY DISCLOSURE: The Membership Directory is published annually.  The front cover of the directory states:
"This Membership Directory is provided for members of Temple Emek Shalom and "Friends of TES" only.  Please do not provide information to non-members without permission from the member."

YAHRZEIT- Remembering the anniversary of a death.
This information will be used to honor loved ones in our newsletters.  This information will not be available for any other reason.

Volunteer opportunities: You are aware that membership at TES requires a financial pledge if you are able. Your pledge supports our building, grounds, Shabbat services, staff, learning experiences and community events. You may not be aware that the support for all these parts of our vibrant community life also requires your time and talent. We would like to assist you to find that place where you can contribute to our community with your special gifts.

Check a committee you might be interested in below and someone will call you to explore the possibilities.

By checking this box and submitting this form, you agree to having your contact information shared with Temple Emek Shalom and its representatives for communication purposes.  Your personal information will not be sold.

Mon, March 10 2025 10 Adar 5785